The Role Of Motivation Of The Teachers In The Teaching Of Biology In Ese-Ode Local Government Area, Ondo State










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Other Details

Brief Introduction

The teaching profession previously was accorded with respect, honor, and dignity. This enviable profession was a sort of motivation to many teachers. Also not only afford life career and permanent membership but also renders services to the public.

It has a code of ethics; the code of ethics for teachers is contained in the handbooks of the Nigeria Union of teachers. They were revealed and given pride of place in the study. But recently, the government and all its organs neglect teachers and the educational sector, while motivation can be brought about by adequate remuneration, fringe benefits, and recognition. They can also be made to occupy high social status in society.

However, in spite of the facts that this motivation was not really there, teachers still did their work conscientiously producing desired result. There is no doubt before 1980 teachers started to recognize their own worth and demand for their right when these was not forth coming their attitude to their work began to change and this was the beginning of the down word side in education in the country.

Table of Content

Chapter One
Background of the problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Research questions
Scope of the study
Limitations of the study
Definition of terms

Chapter Two
Literature review
A brief introduction of this chapter comprising the sub-heading to be treated
Discussion of these relevant sub-headings by reviewing recent related works of other authors.

Chapter Three
Methodology and procedure of study
Research design
Population of study
Sample of the study
Sampling techniques adopted
Validation of instrument
Method of data collection
Method of data analysis

Chapter Four
Presentation of data and discussion of results
Use of relevant table or statistics to present and analysis the data
A discussion of the results derived from the data

Chapter Five
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
